Stopping the spread of COVID-19 The Wellness Hub Protocol To help slow and stop the spread of COVID-19 we are undertaking the following workplace procedures to help protect our therapists and our clients. Section 1: What we are doing at the clinic. Section 2: What we...
In these challenging times where physical human contact and connection are either decreased or for some non-existent, video sessions such as Skype, Zoom and VSee can be invaluable. For some, the thought of relating through this medium can seem unrealistic, but through...
Stories from clinic I decided to try acupuncture when I was failing to have health issues resolved through medication. My symptoms included hair loss, my periods stopping, chronic fatigue, circulation issues, and difficulty concentrating and retaining information. My...
If you are anything like me you’ve been hovering over any radiator within reach, covering yourself in layers of wool and fleece and sleeping under multiple duvets and blankets. I don’t want to leave my house, I don’t feel like doing anything. I’m feeling every cold,...
Supplementing through the winter to avoid SAD Humans evolved under the hot African sun, developing dark skin to protect from burning UV rays. We also evolved the ability to synthesise Vitamin D through the effect of UV on Cholesterol in the skin – Vitamin D is...