Massage, Natural Health For All Ages, Womens Health
An Effective Therapeutic Combination Essential oil massage therapy is a gentle powerful treatment that works on supporting all the body systems as well as the mind. The definition of massage is the action of the body being manipulated mostly by the hands to create a...
Coaching, Mental health, Natural Health For All Ages
At this time of the year many people make New Year resolutions, but research shows that almost nine out of ten people fail to achieve them. I’m sure most of us can relate to that. Who hasn’t decided at least once in their life to lose weight, eat more healthily, quit...
Massage, Natural Health For All Ages
Olemus Therapeutics at the Wellness Hub Launch Invitation To launch Olemus Therapeutics at the Wellness Hub, I am delighted to announce an introductory offer of a 30% reduction for single treatments a 50% reduction on a 3 x treatment package. This offer will be...
Consultations, Mental health
By Helen Tanner © copyright 2022 ‘The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.’ Marianne Williamson. Forgiveness is a healing process. Forgiveness is a healing process which we, the human family, have been gifted in order...