What is Bowen Therapy?
Blissful Bowen!
Bowen Therapy is a remarkable soft tissue therapy; gentle to receive, yielding powerful and long lasting results for a wide variety of presentations. Bowen therapists use their thumbs and fingers to make rolling type moves over specific areas of the body, which trigger the system to begin readjustment and repair.
The pressure used is gentle and appropriate for the individual. Most importantly, short breaks are given during the treatment session to give the brain time to assimilate information and begin to respond; initiating change and repair where needed. In this way, the therapist’s role is one of facilitator; there are no invasive manipulation techniques used, instead the body and mind are encouraged to realign and restore balance.
Typically, a Bowen treatment is a wonderfully relaxing experience; some would even describe Bowen as blissful! Many people report feeling a deep sense of calm, ‘letting go’ of tension they perhaps didn’t realise they were holding on to. This gentle and non-threatening treatment experience enables the nervous system to calm and consequently the body is in an optimal state to focus on repair. After all, the body can’t heal when it’s in stress mode.
Rather than looking at symptoms or conditions in isolation, Bowen Therapy focuses on the whole person. That being said, treatments are very much tailored to the individual client and their needs. Bowen can be performed through light clothing and is a safe treatment modality for all ages
When should I see a Bowen Therapist?
When should I see a Bowen Therapist?
Bowen Therapy is a hugely versatile technique, so there are a multitude of reasons why someone may choose to turn to this form of soft tissue therapy. Many people first seek treatment for aches and pains e.g. chronic back or neck pain. After an initial course of 3 – 4 sessions, clients may feel dramatic relief from pain and discomfort. They then may choose to periodically return for ‘top up’ sessions to maintain good health.
It’s worth pointing out that you really don’t have to be in serious pain to have Bowen Therapy. In actual fact, prevention is better than cure. With regular sessions, little niggles can be nipped in the bud and prevented from growing into bigger problems. A Bowen session is an hour of time completely dedicated to you; in our busy lives taking this opportunity to step into a world of calm is so nourishing for the mind, body and soul.
Conditions benefiting from Bowen Therapy
– Pain management – Jaw discomfort (TMD / TMS)
– Chronic and acute back pain – Heel and foot pain
– General aches and pains – Sciatica
– Headaches including migraines – Stress and tension
– Sports injuries – Whiplash
– Digestive issues – Menopausal symptoms and PMS
– Low energy / mood
Bowen Therapists
The Wellness Hub Falmouth
Unit 4C Falmouth Business Park
Bickland Water Road
TR11 4SZ
01326 212112