What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a hands-on, manipulative therapy that involves working on the joints, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue of the musculoskeletal system to help rebalance the body, improve mobility, and relieve pain and stiffness.
It can also help with health problems relating to other body systems, such as the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous and immune systems.
Once the musculoskeletal system has been correctly aligned and is functioning optimally, it’s not uncommon to notice general improvements in other areas, such as energy levels, sleep, digestion and mood.
Range of Techniques
There are a wide range of techniques an osteopath may use, based on the nature of the problem and the area of the body being treated. Some of these techniques are very subtle.
Spinal imbalance or restriction of movement can, not only cause pain, but affect how our internal organs function and even how clearly we can think. Like a series of interconnected, dynamic arches, the spinal curves work together as one system of pulleys, pivots and keystones, always working to optimise our relationship with gravity. As a result treatment not only focuses on the problem area but on restoring the whole body to a state of balance in order to find and promote health, and prevent reoccurrence.
Your osteopath may also give you advice about posture and suggest exercises you can do to help keep you in good shape and prevent further problems developing.
When should I see an Osteopath?
Common reasons for going to see an osteopath include arthritic, joint, back and neck pain, headache and migraine, sciatica and sports injuries.
Other complaints include:
- Auto Injuries Tennis Elbow
- Neck & Back Pain SPD and Pelvic Pain
- Foot and Knee Problems Postural Strains
- Headaches & Migraines Pregnant Women
- Babies and Children Joint and Arthritic Pain
Whether it be to optimise athletic performance, recover from injury, cope with pre- and post-natal adaptations, or alleviate stress, tension and digestion problems – osteopathic principles apply, and your osteopath will help you feel comfortable and confident in your body and take control of your health.
Osteopathy supports those needing immediate care but also those interested in investing in their health on a long-term basis. Whatever their age!
Our Falmouth Osteopaths Hannah Gledhill and Helen Morton are available for you to book an appointment with.
The body exhibits a constant drive towards health” Virchow
Osteopathy Therapists
The Wellness Hub Falmouth
Unit 4C Falmouth Business Park
Bickland Water Road
TR11 4SZ
01326 212112