Emma is a naturopath & medical herbalist with a degree in natural medicine (BNatMed). She spent over 10 years traveling, living abroad, and having adventures. She previously lived in a converted horse truck, on an old sailing ship, and upon a roundabout. Emma decided to become a naturopath based upon her own health issues (endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and arthritis) and experiences with natural health care - she got proactive with her health, and felt the benefits.
In her 'previous life' she worked in hospitality, and lived a very un-naturopathic, and unbalanced life - it was not sustainable. She understands that we can all get stuck, develop unhealthy habits, and that we can also make positive changes
Emma is passionate about promoting good health, and likes to keep things simple. She enjoys yoga, meditation & being outdoors, yet likes to indulge in coffee, wine & cake - Everything in moderation!
What is naturopathy? Naturopathy combines herbal medicine with nutrition & supplementation, along with supporting emotional health, & implementing lifestyle changes. It is holistic, and tailored to each individual - there is no 'one size fits all'.
It can help with a range of health conditions - acute to chronic, and can be supportive for all ages - babies to old age! Including: